Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC)

Quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) are the heart of all environmental and radiation measurements. EPA, States, radon standards/protocols, and the National Radon Proficiency Program each require adherence to fundamental radon QA/QC, and your clients expect to receive accurate results from you. Regular assessment of blanks, duplicates, and spikes are a key part of your business' success and the only way to defend your results.

Do you understand each measurement type and are you doing them correctly? Here are a few tips from our laboratory.


Blanks are done at least once every 20 samples (5%).

Blanks Chart


Duplicates are done at least once every 10 sample (10%).

RPD Calc Dups Chart 2-4 Dups Chart 4+


Spikes at done at a rate of 3%, with at least 3 per year and a maximum of 6 per month.

IRE Calc Spike Chart 4+ Spike Chart 2-4

If you are new to the radon profession and need to develop your own Quality Assurance Plan (QAP), contact Shawn Price for assistance in the development of your Plan.